Friday, June 5, 2009

Obligatory First Entry: The Ebb and Flow of Creativity

It has been awhile since I've tried to keep a blog, and, inevitably, I always end up abandoning my efforts. Given all that has changed in the world and in my life since my last attempt, though, I have made my amends with the online world and I'm going to give it another shot. Facebook is just a poor excuse for the exposition I should really be sharing, anyhow.

* * *
Right now, I am sitting in my office on South Beach watching a crazy thunder storm and sheets of rain pouring out intermittently. It is one of those uniquely Miami storms, where the sun shines barely half a mile in the distance even while the apocalypse drenches cars and pedestrians outside the window. In fact, it's so light outside right now, it looks like a movie set. One halfway expects someone to yell, "Cut!" halting the rain, booming thunder, and strobing lighting with the push of a button. Luckily, it's not fake, and I can enjoy listening to the crackling thunder and the sound of swaying palm trees. When it storms here, the plants look greener, especially against the misty gray sky.

That's right. I have an office window, because I am no longer a shit-kicking college student but a newly crowned member of the workforce. It wasn't the easiest time to graduate from college back in December, when the economy had taken it's official nosedive into the toilet. But somehow, after a frustrating, emotionally draining 5-month search, I managed to land a pretty sweet office job on Miami Beach, working with young, dynamic people in an organization that interests me. My boss is in and out of town all summer--mostly out, though--and I have the office to myself. No complaints here.

Being out of school has not been easy, but I think it has been very important for me. I have already learned so much about myself, my abilities, my goals, and, cliche as it sounds, the "real world." Don't get me wrong, I look forward to the day I get to return to academia, sheltered in the cozy confines of books and papers. But right now, I am enjoying life on my own terms and creating my own little corner of the world. And wow, is there a lot to say from this corner! I earnestly hope that I can keep this going, because there's no way to share my commentary if I don't broadcast it.

That's all for now.

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